An international symposium
focused on the development and application of stem cell models
to understand and develop treatments for neurodegenerative disease

The UK DRI is hosting the inaugural SCMND meeting, as part of the Cure-ND network.

Plenary speakers

Mahmoud Maina

University of Sussex, UK &
Yobe State University, Nigeria

Topic: iPSC generation from indigenous Africans for open-access biobanking, molecular mechanisms of tauopathies

Sonia Gandhi

Francis Crick Institute,

Topic: iPSC models of Parkinson's Disease

Sergiu Pașca

Stanford University,

Topic: Organoid & assembloid technologies

More information

Scientific Agenda

The 3-day symposium includes 3 keynote speakers, 24 session speakers, 5 ECR talks, 10 flash talks, 3 discussion panels and 4 poster sessions


Learn about the many sponsors supporting this event

Poster presentations

We will select 164 posters and 5 speakers from submitted abstracts, followed by poster prizes on Day 3!

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